
Friday, 5 October 2012

Things I hate on the Train

*  people who play music loud enough to burst the eardrums of their neighbours.
*  people who play music without earphones plugged in.
*  people who jump on when the doors have 2cm left to close and then get their bags caught and hold everything up.
*  people who lean against the pole in the middle, not leaving any room for another person to get their fingers in to hold on.
*  winter coats which haven't been drycleaned - 'nuff said.  Also see 'sweaty armpits in Summer'.
*  people who read their newspapers full spread and use you as their personal newspaper rack.
*  people who walk and read - they deserve to be tripped up and forever have a Kindle embedded in their forehead.
*  yobs/chavs/kids who you think might be speaking English, who shout at the top of their voices in a butchered alternative to the language.  Examples are 'init', 'bruv', 'sick' among others.
*  oversharers.  Also known as talkers.
*  sweaty armpits in Summer.  Also see 'Winter coats that haven't been drycleaned'.
*  people who sit in the middle seat of a set of 3 and proceed to huff and puff, when it is known full well that regular train seats are too small as it is.  Either sit down and keep your huffs to yourself or carry on walking.
*  people who don't look behind them before moving from the right (standing lane) to the left (walking lane) of the escalator.

And my personal favourite...

*  people who just stop walking.  Almost always in the middle of a crowded concourse or train platform.

And that is all for today.  Ahhhh, that feels better!

1 comment:

  1. Journey in Train is so time wasting otherwise I am enjoying train journey. Yes, sometime I hate train journey because of reasons that are mentioned above. But on the other hand I also like to enjoy the beauty of the world from windows.

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