
Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Lucy's first weekend away... and first walk!

Our trip over to the Isle of Wight for Dave's birthday was the first time we travelled with Lucy, and because she'd had her last set of vaccinations the day before we left, we were able to take her on her first walk.

Life with a puppy has been interesting to say the least.  I know we had a puppy when I was growing up, I even remember my dad bringing her home in the pouch of his jumper - this beautiful bundle of dark golden fur, which eventually grew into the most lovely labrador ridgeback named Honey.  However, while I enjoyed the cuddles and playtime, my parents would have had to deal with the house-training and all the other interesting things that come with owning a puppy!  I had no clue and although it's challenging at times, I'm relishing every moment we get with her while she's still small, because my favourite time of day at the moment is the 15 minutes when Dave is in the shower in the morning and I sit with Lucy on my lap, having a cuddle.  It won't be very long before she won't fit anymore!

Our friends made for excellent puppy minders on the weekend we were away and Lucy was definitely not starved for attention!  She slept a lot, played a lot, pooped a lot and omitted a level of cuteness that everybody ooh-ed and ahh-ed over. 

Oh... did I mention that she slept a lot? :)

On the Sunday, we took her for her first walk... to the beach!  It took us about 10 minutes to get from the car onto the actual sand, because everybody was stopping to admire her and because she was fascinated - IS fascinated - by leaves.  I don't know whether it's the crunches and crackles or the fact that they float up in the air when she pounces on them, but she LOVES leaves!

When we eventually made it down to the sand, she wasn't so sure at first, but eventually got the hang of it.  Her friend Busby was pouncing in and out of the waves, chasing his ball and I think it might be a while before Lucy is brave enough to join him in his quest, but in the meantime, she got her first taste of the sea air and loved it!

Lucy says bye bye everybody, until next time!

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