I love cooking and in particular, I love cooking a traditional Christmas meal. Since we are fully catered for on Christmas Day by family friends, I took the opportunity to cook my own meal for friends a couple of days before Christmas.
Lucy was up early and very excited for the day's festivities!
Mince pies, gammon, turkey, goose, roast potatoes, pigs in blankets, gravy and all the rest of the yummy trimmings were all on offer, as well as the obligatory mulled wine! I love getting the chance to whip out all of my lovely seasonal table decorations!
Oh! And Santa paid a visit a little early....
It was a great day spent with friends - a perfect way to wind down before Christmas. And Lucy got lots of cuddles!
And then... I decided to turn all Betty Crocker and make my own Christmas Cookie Tree, complete with decorations. I was SO chuffed with the outcome! I think 2013 may see me being a lot more creative on the baking front... watch this space!
Christmas Day itself was right up there with our family wine & olive farm Christmas in 2010. Santa really spoilt me and instead of feeling incredibly homesick when I spoke to my family in SA, as is usually the case, I was just really happy and fulfilled. Our Christmas meal with Dave's dad and our family friends was amazing as always, hats off to Joan and Roy who never fail to deliver on the traditional Christmas meal front. A fantastic day was had by all, topped off with my Christmas Day pub quiz! :)
2012 was a difficult year for us for various reasons, but more than that, it was a year filled with family and friends. A trip to SA with Steve, the Royals and the Reids in May was a fantastic opportunity to show off my gorgeous country to some very special friends. My uncle's 70th & Kurt's 40th provided excellent reasons to celebrate and spend quality time with my family over there. The Isle of Wight festival was an eye-opener and a fantastic weekend away, doing something I never thought I'd ever enjoy - but I did! My parents and sister & Kurt then came over for a lovely 2-week visit to our little country cottage and we got to take them to the Isle of Wight, which was a treat. I was then given the ultimate surprise by my very sneaky aunt and uncle (with Dave as an accomplice) when they appeared on my doorstep one Saturday morning, having made a trip over to the UK without my knowledge. And after that, Dave was given the ultimate surprise for his 40th birthday in November. And then of course, we got our new little addition....
2012 was a little light on the travel front for us, but trips to Normandy, Slovenia, South Africa and the Isle of Wight helped round off our year.
Onwards and upwards to a fantastic 2013!
That tree does look immense! Well done! xxx